wedding in the woods

Some of you know that I was part of a very special photoshoot in the beginning of the month. I was asked to be a part of the dream-team by Jennyface and couldn't turn down this awesome opportunity.  I'm sharing a few of the Behind the Scenes shots but hope to share the professional shots later this year. 

Creative Director Lexia of Lexia Frank Photography and Co-Creative Director Amy of One Fine Day Productions put their heads together and produced this rich, woodsy, man's perspective of a wedding. Production Assistants were Meghan Wanserski & Jennifer Johnson. Using some of the best venders of south central Wisconsin, their vision became reality (in a staged wedding sort of way) and it was gorgeous!  It took place at Camp Wandawega (or Wandawega Lake Resort), the mens clothing was provided by Context Clothing, the vintage rentals were from A La Crate, catering/food design by Barry from Fontaine Designs, hair and make up by Jenny Fitzpatrick from Jennyface, her amazing friend Jacinda, and yours truely!  Floral design provided by  Donna Sager from Garden Laurels. paper goods by Heather from Sugar River Stationers, and  the bridal dress designer was Monica Freng from Monirose.  Stay tuned for more info on where you can see the full artistic vision>>> 

Tutorial: The Bride of Frankenstein | Hairdresser on Fire

​I can't always come up with great original posts, so with Halloween celebrations starting tomorrow I thought I'd give you guys some bang for your buck a free tutorial from Hairdresser on Fire

HDOF-BOF-D1 from Joe Varca on Vimeo

"Supplies you’ll need:

Hairpins (work better than bobbies)
Styrofoam Cone
Extensions (Optional)


Tease your hair until it’s high and mighty.  Spray with hairspray like crazy. Place Styrofoam cone on your head in desired position. Pull up large sections of your hair to cover the foam cone, and pin into styrofoam. You can stick the pins directly into the foam! Continue until foam is completely covered by your hair and it feels secure. Optional: add a strip of extensions onto either side of your head at the temple area. I curled mine with a marcel iron. Spray with hairspray like crazy.

Now you’re ready to get married. Lots of people are possessed on their wedding day you know.

My favorite parts are all the parts with huge hair, and when the candle gets lit. My least favorite part was combing out the teasing which mightn’t have been so bad if I had done it that night instead of stuffing it into a bun for two more days…

And just because I have to say it somewhere…I would like you to know that I was this close to calling this a “spooktorial”.

Special thanks to the very talented Joe Varca for making this awesome film and Amanda Blair for being the world’s best light flickerer.

What do you think?"


Headshots | Website

Well here is a little teaser of what's to come to 

I took off on a Tuesday to have some shots taken of me and my products to use on the ol' website. I have a friend (Sam of s.cole photography) that started her photography business about the same time I started working on b.suite. We've cross referred clients and it just made sense to use her. It was an interesting day so I thought I would share some of the details with you, so you know what NOT to do on an important photographed day. 

I remove the blonde hair from my upper lip maybe once a year. I thought with a tight shot on my face I should take care of it now. I hate to tell you this as clients but I don't wax it. That HURTS! So I used a facial depilatory cream. I didn't time it, you know where this is going. I checked it and one side was hair free and then removed it all, but then noticed there was actually still hair on one side. I reapplied (it is common sense that this is a bad idea). Whoa, that burned. I removed it all and immediately knew I had a chemical burn. Applied ice and hoped for the best.  The next day I had my good friend Jenny (of jennyface) come to mi casa for some quiche and apply my face for me. I explained the chemical burn and we moved on. When it came time to apply makeup to my nose she asked if I could remove my nose-ring. I explained that I tried to remove it the night before but it was a clamped barbell and wouldn't come out. At this point I've had one and maybe a half Mimosas. I jumped up and said "I'll get it". I grabbed a needle nose pliers and a tweezer and headed to the bathroom. I came out with a bleeding nose. Dumb idea, I pulled the whole thing through the hole! On accident of course. Jenny finished up my make up with a cotton ball up my nose. She did an amazing job, as you can see in the picture above. 

Once dressed and at the salon Sam met me and we discussed what the session should be about. Focusing on closer shots of my face and some goofy ones for the blog we moved all around the salon using different lighting and angles. I had a brilliant idea to do some action shots of me cutting my bangs. The bangs I envisioned growing out with the rest of my hair. The bangs I told myself I would never cut straight across again no matter how good of an idea it seemed. So here you have the "before" shot, if you will, and on my facebook business page you can see the end result. I didn't know how bad they were until Sam had packed up and left. My mirror was off the wall, as we were using the grey wall for a background. Once I grabbed the mirror to put it back up I'm pretty sure I screeched. I looked like a child who had gone at their hair with some childproof scissors. After cleaning them up without going any shorter, I've been reassured they are cute and trendy. Good, they can make up for my missing nose-ring! 

Check out Sam of S.cole Photography and Jenny of Jennyface

standout eyes | SEPHORA university

Today I was lucky enough to join a  small group of girls at Sephora University for their Standout Eyes course. Being a plain jane myself this class has inspired me to pay more attention to my appearance. I KNOW, I'm a stylist who doesn't wear make up... Well that is about to change. The fine ladies at Madison's Sephora make it easy. They broke down the brushes to use, color schemes, and tricks to a hassle free look. 

{everyday eyes | before & after}                        

I recommend taking a class at sephora, whether it be the University, or scheduling a one-on-one with one of their educators. We even got this great gift bag! {below}

::Best tips::


  • When applying mascara use the tip of the wand to fan out the outer lashes to the corners to open your eyes
  • If you get unwanted mascara on your skin, wait for it to dry and then flake off
  • Use eye cream on a q-tip to clean up any loose/ unwanted make up around your eyes (very helpful with the smokey eye)
  • running late? throw on some mascara and touch up your brows with a pencil or powder and GO!